Welcome to ZoneMusicReporter.com! This site was formerly NewAgeReporter.com. We changed the name toZoneMusicReporter.com to better reflect the myriad of styles and types of music we have come to represented on the site. Over the years our database of recordings has grown to include Acoustic Instrumental, Ambient, Celtic, Chill, Contemporary Instrumental, Electronic, Folk, Jazz, Meditative/Healling, Neo-Classical, Native American, New Age, Solo Piano, Singer/Songwriter, World and the list goes on. We offer a home for the independent artist as well as the major labels to be seen and heard.
http://www.zonemusicreporter.com/index.asp という
The Industry Source for New Age, World, Ambient, Electronic, Solo Piano, Relaxation, Instrumental and many other genres of Music
The Industry Source for New Age, World, Ambient, Electronic, Solo Piano, Relaxation, Instrumental and many other genres of Music
先日、その中の 2011 Annual ZMR Music Awards が発表されて
Best Ambient Album部門で受賞されたので紹介したいと思います。
Best Ambient Album
Artist: Takashi Suzuki
Label: Calm Records